Monday, December 14, 2009

Mature Expository

Immaturity and Maturity. How does one see when they have hit maturity? What is to be mature?. why do people let go of there childish ways, in order to think more realistically.

In life, people go through many obstacles and learning experiences. Which changes people in many ways and show maturity. Maturity comes through time, and through many different aspects. When someone marks the beginning of maturity they have most likely gone through a rough time or have dealt which a situation that is bigger than they can deal with. In the book " Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom, the two main Characters go through a time in their life, where they both realize that they don't have all the answers to everything. Morrie, and Older man, who is terminally Ill, goes through maturity,by realizing his limited time on earth. He also shares his wiseness, to his former student Mitch, who realizes he doesn't know as much, as he thought he did.

In the novel, "Tuesdays with Morrie" A man in his thirties, is introduced. He is a successful,and married. Mitch has all the money he needs, and all the distraction from what is important in life. After years, of no contact with his old university professor, Morrie, Mitch figures out that Morrie is ill and he will die sooner, than he hoped.At first Mitch, neglects everything but work. Then he starts to have "meetings" with Morrie. Morrie Teaches Mitch, that it is OK, to have questions and that its OK. to seek for answers. The young man, hits maturity,when he realizes that there is more than just work. That life isn't all about wealth. Through Morrie's eyes, Mitch gets many answers to questions he never thought of until now. Instead of keeping all of his emotions bottled up, and keep them unknown, he starts to own up to it. He starts to understand that there are consequences to his actions. He starts to realize that love, isn't about him, it's about the other person. After Mitch learns that he a life he must live up to, he matures and grows into a person who isn't afraid to express himself, and think more than himself. Although Morrie, is dieing and something will be lost, for Mitch he is gaining something. Gaining Maturity.

With Mitch's young hope for life. Morrie, who has a better outlook on life, even though he can barely stand up. Shows Maturity through his illness and his experiences in life. Morrie, shares his experiences with Mitch, to direct him in a better lifestyle. At first when Morrie, found out he is will die from the cancer he had, he was devasted and confused. But, with Morrie's, attitude he turned it around. He didn't want to die miserable and scared. Instead, he wanted to carry on with his life and cherish every moment of it. He also decieded to share it with the ones he loved, including his never-forgotten student. Throughout his days of being Ill, he shares his life with Mitch. Morrie, shares his life story with Mitch, to show him that life is something we can or cannot control. Morrie begins maturity when he realizes that he is not going to be a miserable man. With Morrie's willingness to educate Mitch, He shows that he not only lived a good life but, is an ideal life, that he wants to share. Although, Morrie is a man who has seen much what life may bring, he still gained another persepective of life,leading him into more maturity.

Maturity comes with aging, growing, loving, and living. Thats what these two characters went through in order to gain maturity. Mitch a man who had lots of life to live, and Morrie a man who had a life which he lived. Through all the time they spent with each other, they both grew and matured in ways they didn't think would ever happened. They learned things about themselves that made them appreciate life and had an different outlook on it. With Mitch's questions, he realizes life isn't what he thought it was. With Morrie's planned death, he shows maturity with how he dealt with it. Although these two men who are different in age, and different in similarites. They have one thing in common, the both matured listening to each other.

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